Saturday, March 03, 2012

Unrealistic statistics by regime of coup d'eta about parliamentary election!

While eighth high ranking Islamic clerics (Ayatollahs ),Mosharekat party and Mojahedin Enghelab Islami organization ( two reformists party and organization ) and many reformists personalities including Mir Hossein Musavi and Mehdi Karoubi and many opposition group and parties unanimousely boycotted the March 2nd parliamentary election due to engineered election by regime, Seyed Mohammad Khatami the past reformist president attended in one of the Voting Center and gave his vote.

Other than that , according to report coming from Iran by eye witnesses, this election show was another victory for the Iranian people who chose to stay home and not to participate in the election circus engineered by the regime of coup d'eta and another shame for the regime.

Concerned citizens of Iran watched with shock and laugh and made joke as the election officials on live tv channel contradict themselves when spoke about statistics on people's participation. The head of ninth parliamentary election ( Mr. Solat Mortazavi)on live TV accidentally announced people's participation as 34.+ percent and then he changed his words and said 64.4 percent. He changed because earlier the interior minister called it 64.4 % .

Watch this Video :

According to one report ,the election officials announced that; there are 6,345,000 million eligible voter in Tehran and Alborz province ,while two years ago Tehran and the same province had 8,796,466 Million eligible voter!? So ,people ask what happened to the two plus million voters ? Did they die?!!!

In one other report Mehr news agency ( a government news agency) announced earlier that the eligible voters in the city of "Ilam" were 373000 , but the same news agency later reported that; vote droped by people in the ballot box were counted by the election officials and it was 380,000 !!??!!!! How did it happen? Did the deads in the city also voted???!!!!!

These are just a few examples . As all conscious people around the world know and saw two years ago the people of Iran poured into the streets in protest because of presidential election rigging ,this time can also make sense what is happening in Iran.

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